Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I book a class and then need to cancel?

A: If you are unsure if you can make the class we recommend you use the reserve a class option. This means you get to reserve your spot but pay on the day.

Q: What if I book a class and pay in advance and then can’t make the class?

A: If you pay in advance and don’t cancel 24 hours prior to the class you will be charged.

Q: I have some questions about the suitability of the class. Can I contact the coach to find out more?

A: Yes you can. There is a contact the coach/club link on the booking page of the classes. This will send your query directly to the instructors.

Q: What if I want to book multiple spaces in one class?

A: No problem. We have the facility to book several spots in each class. Simple select the number of spaces you require for each class so you can work out with friends.

Q: I couldn't find a class that suited me

A: Keep checking back. New trainers are constantly registering on our site.

Q: I'm a coach / run classes. How can I create a profile page?

A: You can do this via the coach signup page. You can then list your services and create a bespoke page to boost your profile and increase client bookings.

Q: We love TopCoachList but it would be even better if....

A: We are continually updating and extending the site with new and improved features. If there is a killer feature that you just can't live without, please feel free to let us know via our contact us page and we'll endeavour to implement any ideas if appropriate.